You have your beautiful birds and what are your doing to keep them healthy? Whether you are a pet owner or a breeder, keeping your bird healthy is one of the most important task when owning a bird.
There are many diseases and contagious! Beware! One sick bird could cause a lot of problems, chaos and issues for many years to come.
Lack of care, cage hygiene, habitat changes, and overpopulation lead to certain diseases in caged birds. Canaries and parakeets are quite frequent pets in our homes. These little birds, as well as other types of birds, need a series of basic care to be healthy. We refer both to the issue of food and to the fact of preparing a custom home with the proper conditions for them. This is essential to improve the quality and life expectancy of these beautiful beings.
Be that as it may, there are certain ailments that usually afflict these animals. Next we want to put you on notice. If you live with birds, it is worth knowing which are the most common bird diseases. If you have an idea of the symptoms, it is possible that what happens to your pet can be detected in time and who knows if this will save his life.
Although many people raise birds and they have adapted to being in a cage all their lives, it is also true that their bodies rebel against this unnatural situation. If we add to that the lack of care, certain diseases appear in caged birds. We tell you more below:
What diseases in caged birds exist?
If you have birds at home, you need to know about certain diseases or pathologies that they can suffer from living in a cage. Some problems are caused by climatic issues, others by lack of care, and there are also those that appear because the animal is not happy:
They are usually the ones that appear more easily. The symptoms are those of a normal cold. Sneezing, wheezing and difficulty in doing so, a certain exhaustion that is detected in its movements ... It usually occurs if the animal is in an environment with somewhat extreme conditions, or high humidity or in case of low temperatures. Respiratory infections also occur in birds due to the excessive presence of mites, so you already know that it is essential to keep the place that the bird occupies in good hygienic-sanitary conditions.
Many times the birds are taken to places very far from their natural habitat and, therefore, they must get used to the climatic changes. However, their organisms continue to 'think' as if they were in their original ecosystem and act accordingly.
When the bird lives in a warm area, or in the house where they have it as a pet, they use too much heating, the animal will shed its feathers more times than normal. So that? To prevent your body temperature from rising.
The problem is that this change of feathers is a great physical wear for the bird, its natural cycle is altered and it can even die. To avoid this, we recommend that you place it in a cool place where there is sun, but also hours of shade.
Also called psittacosis, it is a highly contagious infectious disease that affects birds and is caused by a bacterium, chlamydia psittaci. Any bird can carry the infectious agent in its feathers, tissues, and secretions.
Ornithosis is more common in turkeys, ducks and pigeons, although it also affects canaries - in which it is not fatal - and can be spread to people and domestic mammals. Symptoms of the disease in birds are: bulging belly, loss of appetite, greenish droppings and respiratory problems.
It is one of the typical diseases in caged birds, especially in those specimens that have not been born in captivity. The fact of going from being free to being in a small environment, often shared with several other birds, is undoubtedly traumatic for the animal.
One of the ways to tell that a bird is stressed is by analyzing its behavior: it can scratch, peck and injure itself as a 'way out' or to try to reduce its anxiety. Animals that live in captivity, such as birds, can suffer from anxiety and stress that reach levels of a certain severity. The solution would be clear, right? Let them go free. Be that as it may, you can always avoid this situation if you avoid adopting as a pet an animal that until the moment it arrives at your home has lived in total freedom. If you wonder how to detect anxiety in birds, you just have to open your eyes wide and observe: if he scratches excessively and injures himself or if you notice him annoying and nervous, it could be that your companion is affected by a stress disorder.
These are bumps that appear anywhere on the animal's body, although they are more common under the wings, and require the intervention of a veterinarian to be removed through surgery. The cysts appear when the feathers, instead of being born outwards, for some reason, retract. This is common in those birds with dense plumage such as the parrot or the canary.
Known as the sweat disease. It is very contagious and causes death within 4 days of infection. The symptoms of colibacillosis are: yellowish or greenish liquid stools, wet belly and deterioration of the feathers.
The causes that cause colibacillosis is mainly that our pet lives in a dirty cage, humidity or overcrowding. The treatment to follow for this disease is to clean and disinfect the environment and give antibiotics.
Although it is not a very common problem in birds in captivity, the truth is that when a new bird comes home it may contain internal or external parasites. It is possible that they are passed on to their cage ‘mates’.
In the case of external parasites, they live on the skin or between the feathers; meanwhile, the inmates are housed in the intestines, the blood or under the dermis. Symptoms of the proliferation of the latter can be: anorexia, lethargy, diarrhea, abdominal distension, weight loss, presence of worms in the stool, weakness in the wings, among others. To be able to determine if your bird has parasites it is necessary that you test them; although another option is for the professional to draw blood to analyze it. Once the prognosis has been confirmed, the professional will indicate the appropriate treatment.
This disease of birds can be very serious and even cause the death of these living beings. What causes salmonellosis? Being in contact with feces or saliva of animals that are sick. What are the symptoms? Well, diarrhea and joint pain are the most obvious but there are others that are difficult to detect when dealing with birds. Consult with your veterinarian so that he can better guide you on what is happening to your pet and propose a tailored treatment to end salmonellosis. Normally they usually prescribe antibiotics and proceed to the disinfection of the cabin that has been reserved for the birds.
When your bird loses weight in an alarming way, if its hair falls out a lot and you see how its legs and beaks have turned pale, it is likely that your animal has a frame of anemia. It is usually caused by the lack of certain vitamins, a poor diet in terms of quality, not quantity. To improve your health, first of all natural light and fresh air and some type of food that comes with reinforced vitamin components and even a supplement.
A disease that should be considered especially frequent is Escherichia coli, which has the main symptom in diarrhea. It is avoided by keeping the cage in hygienic conditions and transmission occurs through the feces of sick animals. Always be very careful!
We hope that this list of bird diseases will be useful for the future. Birds are beings that must be cared for to keep them in good health and prevention is the best of recipes.
The causes of excessive nail growth and the beak of our pets can be due to inadequate perches, lack of wood or cuttlefish where they can be filed. In these cases the treatment must be applied by a professional: file and cut when necessary.
Unfortunately, bird diseases are quite difficult to detect. Normally, when a bird shows some symptoms, it is because the disease is already very advanced and we must act as soon as possible because the life of our pet will be at stake. So be very attentive to any change in behavior, apathy or loss of feathers as they can be an indication that something is wrong with your pet.
For this reason, your should regularly test your bird for diseases.
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